Multi-Scale Modelling 2009
Multi-Scale Modelling for
Industrial Flow Systems

7-8 December 2009, Ian Wark Conference Centre, CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia


The Proceedings of the Symposium will be published on CD-ROM.

The Committee of the Multi-Scale Modelling symposium will evaluate all submitted full papers, with each paper being independently refereed by at least two international experts in the field. 

It is intended to have both oral and poster presentations at the conference. Authors are requested to indicate their preference for either oral or poster presentation when submitting abstracts. Full versions of both the oral and poster papers will be included in the proceedings. However due to the number of invited speakers in the symposium the number of papers considered for oral presentation would be capped.

Authors should note the list of deadlines.

The symposium organising committee has arranged for selected papers to be published in a special edition of the Journal of Multi-Scale Modelling.

Deadline for receipt of papers is 30 September 2009

ABSTRACT Submission

Intending authors are required to submit an abstract of not more than 200 words by the deadline above. Instructions for preparation of the full manuscript will be sent to authors whose abstracts are accepted.

Authors are requested to indicate on the abstract their preference for either an oral or poster presentation. Where an author submits multiple papers for oral presentation the organising committee may, for scheduling reasons, allocate some papers for poster presentation.

Abstracts should be prepared using the MSWord template msm09_abs.doc and emailed to: If you prefer to submit a hard copy it should be mailed or faxed to Dr Phil Schwarz at the address below.

Paper Submission

For refereeing an electronic copy of the paper is required. The electronic copy should be in Word format and be emailed to:

Authors are also required to complete the copyright release form (right click to save to file) and return it by either:

email as a scanned pdf to:

OR FAX to:
Dr Phil Schwarz
+61-3-9562 8919



A sample format of a page can be downloaded here showing the layout and style for headings, tables, figures, references etc. A Word documents for use as a template and is available for download (right click to save to a file) or a rich text version can be downloaded (right click to save to a file).

Paper size is to be A4.

The length of the paper is limited to six pages.

Page layout is double column of width 75mm with 10mm between columns.

The main text is single spaced with a 9-point, Times New Roman font.

It is intended to include papers in the conference proceedings, which will be an electronic CD-ROM volume.

The paper should be in English and contain the following elements in the order shown:

Author names and addresses (underline the presenting author)
Abstract (no more than 150 words)
Nomenclature list
Text of the paper


The title should be concise and clearly reflect the contents of the paper. It should be in bold, centred, 12-point Arial font.


The abstract should give a clear indication of the objective, scope and results of the study presented in the paper. It should be provide keywords for indexing purposes.


Nomenclature should be listed in alphabetic order with the Greek symbols following the English symbols.


The text should be divided into sections describing the objectives, the description of the problem, the method of solution and any other relevant information. The text should also include discussion of any results presented and list the author’s conclusions. SI units should be used throughout.

Figures and tables should be embedded in the text and should appear as close as possible after the first reference to them. The figures should be of good quality to ensure satisfactory reproduction. Authors are encouraged to include colour figures. Both figures and tables should be numbered consecutively and have a caption beneath them. Tables and figures which extend over the whole width of the page should be placed either at the top or bottom of the page.

Subheadings may be used to divide the subject in any given into logical parts.

Equations should be numbered consecutively beginning with (1). The number should be set flush right in the column. Care should be taken to avoid confusion between lower case "l" (el) and the number one.


Individuals and institutions that have made a significant contribution to the contents of the paper may be acknowledged.


References must follow the style indicated in the example.


Animated result files for inclusion in the CD-ROM version should be in either mpeg or avi format. Multiple animations can be included but the total size of the animations must be less than 7 Mbytes. A brief title string for each animation should also be provided in the accompanying email.

Address for Correspondence
and Paper Submission

Dr Phil Schwarz
CSIRO Minerals
Box 312
Clayton South Vic 3169

Telephone: +61 3 9545 8500
Facsimile: +61 3 9562 8919
